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You Were Born To Be Queen

Together, we’ll embark on a journey to discover your inner Queen.

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Create The Life You Deserve


Express yourself confidently in every aspect of life effortlessly.


Reach your full potential your aspirations as a successful woman.


Further yourself personally or professionally to achieve your goals.


Make all your dreams come true & create the life you always wanted.

As a licensed Mind Trainer, certified Body Language Master Trainer, and Impact Coach, I’ve helped countless individuals, companies, and organizations improve their communication and interpersonal relationships so they could all flourish. I’ve even had the privilege to share my expertise at the United Nations and am often in the media having won multiple recognitions and awards.

I’ve dedicated my entire life’s work of 25 years to mastering the art of effective and impactful communication. Having lived, studied, worked globally and learnt from the best mentors and teachers across the world, I now bring you the best.


Welcome to my proven method to success for you as a woman.

Communication Queen Book

Communication Queen Book

Award-winning “7 Powerful Steps to Impactful Communication” Sara Nystrom’s NEW method can now be yours, as its not just a celebration of this empowering book, but also of our shared journey to reclaim your confidence and self-worth for all women around the world!

Award-winning “7 Powerful Steps to Impactful Communication” Sara Nystrom’s NEW method can now be yours, as its not just a celebration of this empowering book, but also of our shared journey to reclaim your confidence and self-worth for all women around the world!



Communication Queen Programme

Communication Queen Programme

Expert award-winning 1:1 Mentoring where Sara Nystrom personally walks you through the most Powerful Steps to Impactful Communication with a proven method for success in more depth, tailored for you individually as a woman.

Expert award-winning 1:1 Mentoring where Sara Nystrom personally walks you through the most Powerful Steps to Impactful Communication with a proven method for success in more depth, tailored for you individually as a woman.

(Access from December 5th 2023)
 Limited Offer: $197.00

$297.00 Limited Offer: $197.00

Customer Reviews

“You will find a complete system that is sure to transform your communication style, giving you more clarity, confidence and charisma. Sara’s work is extremely rich and deep as it is grounded in 25 years of training and research to truly understand the secrets to powerful communication...”
Alessia Minkus
Co-Owner Industry Rockstar Multi-Award-Winning Business Owner, Global Mentor, Speaker & Author, USA
"This is one of the best things that have happened to me in my life. I keep being excited about being part of this mentorship program. The results have started shaping me already. Thank you so much."
Hope Buchi